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Date   : Sat, 21 Mar 1998 17:15:16 +0000
From   : Mike Tomlinson <jasper@...>
Subject: Re: Watford 13 ROM board.

In article <004301bd54cd$019c20c0$b64b03c3@...>, Mark Usher
<marku@...> writes

>There is still another wire coming out of the board. This is marked R/W.
>This probably explains why the SW RAM doesn't work when in one of the boards

Try connecting this wire to ic77 pin 8.  This was a popular choice for
picking up the r/-w line for sideways RAM cards.

>There is also a switch coming out of the board. This has no effect
>at the moment, and probably is the write protect switch for SW RAM when it
>is on board, but as that isn't working at the moment I can't say.

It is almost certainly the write protect switch for the SW RAM.

>Another interesting thing was that when I got the board, there are two
>sockets for the 15 slot, and 2 x 8k roms were inserted there. Where do I

>switch between two x 8k and 1 x 16 k

You don't.  If you actually mean RAM, you want two 6264 static RAMs in
those two sockets.  It forms a contiguous bank of 16k mapped between
&8000 - &BFFF.  Almost certainly is ROM &F.  If it's populated with two
8k ROMs, only the lower one will function (as the other will be mapped
to &A000-&BFFF and thus be useless)


1) You may not be able to *LOAD <rom image> 8000 as this type of board
only allows write access to the RAM when that socket is selected (to
prevent corruption of the SW RAM by other software I think) so you will
probably need a m/c utility to load ROM images in.  I can send you a
copy of the Watford utility disc for this board if you wish.

2) This board appears to be based on the ATPL design.  Watford's earlier
ROM board was junk and this design (which plugs into the ADC and OS ROM
sockets, yes?) appeared a remarkably short time after the ATPL board
came out.

3) The Watford Diagnostics are very good for checking the functionality
of sideways RAM.  Again, if you don't have a copy, I can mail you one.

Hope this helps.

Mike Tomlinson
+++  Divide by cucumber error.
     Please reinstall universe and reboot  +++

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