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Date   : Sat, 21 Mar 1998 11:00:12 GMT
From   : Chris Walton <cdw@...>
Subject: Wierd Hardware (part 2)

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions, but unfortunately
the keypresses are still not being recongised and the machine 
still only beeps once (the initial buuuurp).   I have tried
swapping the System and BASIC ROMS for those in a working BBC
(the BASIC ROM is in the far right slot), and I have tried 
swapping the 6522 chips, but without success.   My only guess is
that there must be broken tracks or duff joints.  Looking at the 
rear of the motherboard, it looks like IC21, and a few other 
chips have been replaced at some time.   Anyway, I won't
waste any more time on it, as I have several other partially-
working BBCs that could use the keyboard, ROMS, etc. out of it.

Thanks again,

= Chris Walton      - Email : cdw@...  (JCMB Rm: 1403 Tel: 505898)  
= LFCS Postgraduate - WWW   : http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/cdw/              

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