Date : Mon, 16 Mar 1998 11:18:38 +0100
From : Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
Subject: Re: Beeb Archive Directory Tree?
As Mark pointed out, my structure on TBL! should be fairly accurate.
- Program Power and Micro Power are collected in one directory.
- Various/00INDEX.TXT holds company information for a lot of the titles
in the Various directory.
Crispin Boylan wrote:
> Hi
> As you know I am creating a website (its nearly finished!) and I need the
> names of LOADS of games, and of course I have to make sure every game on
> the Archive is covered, but I need a directory tree, so I can tell what
> games belong to which companies!
> Does anyone have one? Or know how to make one, so I can do it myself?
> Thanks.
> Crispin Boylan - viewtronix@...
> "See ya, don't wanna be ya. Lunch me. Pond scum." - Michael Stipe, REM,
> Don't take offence at this sig, it is a line from one of my fav songs.
Robert Schmidt <rsc@... >
Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
Private tel +47 22606076 WWW
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