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Date   : Mon, 09 Mar 1998 12:38:51 +0000
From   : Richard Harker <rich@...>
Subject: Re: Information On AcornSoft


> Hi
> I am putting together a website dedicated to games for the beeb, and I want
> to get some information on the software companies, since Superior and
> Acornsoft were the two biggest producers of software, i was wondering if
> you guys could help me with some questions about it.
> 1. When did superior buy out acornsoft?
> 2. Does anyone know approximately how many games acornsoft produced?
Don't know. Why don't you write to Superior?

> 3. Which games are there from Acornsoft and Superior that were not included
> on any of the Superior Collections, Acornsoft hits, or Play it again Sam's?
> I already have a few down like StarTrek Adventure and JCB Digger.
Here's a few that I can find on my own disks and tapes. (note some of them
/may/ be on the compilations - I'm doing this in my lunch break, and don't
have time to look).

Exile - Superior
Repton Infinite - Superior
Arcadians - Acornsoft
Boris in the underworld - Superior
Breakout - Acornsoft
Space Invaders - Superior
Fruit Macine - Superior
Jack and the beanstalk - Superior
Rocket Raid - Acornsoft
Zany Kong Junior - Superior
Hopper - Acornsoft
Starship command - Acornsoft
Sphinx Adventure - Acornsoft
Boxer - Acornsoft
Chess - Acornsoft
Philosopher's Quest - Acornsoft

> 4. I have had a disk for ages now, it is labelled "Superior Demonstration
> Disk" and on it is approximately 20 games, all very simple ones, so I guess
> it is from the early years.  It contains some old favourites like Battle
> Tank, Overdrive, Hunchback, Percy Penguin, but there is a few that I have
> never seen anywhere else, they are:
> What I would like to know, were these games ever published properly, or are
> they just demo games.  Also, I would like to know if this is some kind of
> rare disk, I've never seen it anywhere else, perhaps someone with a larger
> software collection had it?  It is all nicely presented in a Mode 7 menu,
> with the Superior Software logo and everything.

I've not seen the disk before - it could've been a magazine freebie. I've got
the following (full) games from it.

Boris, Invaders, Fruit Machine, Road Runner, Frogger

> 5. I think I have found that the standard Acornsoft Box was a black
> 'folder' with the instruction on the inside, and a tape in a black plastic
> surround.  What I would like to know is, did the larger games, such as
> Elite and Revs, come in a different packaging?  I have the original elite,
> but it is just the disk and space traders manual, so what is the full
> package comprised of?
All the Acornsoft boxes that I've got are black with cyan/blue lines over
them. I just recently picked up elite for the electron, and it's in the same
type of box except that it's about twice as thick. I could maybe scan in some
different box designs for the web site if you want.

Cheers, Rich.
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