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Date   : Sun, 08 Mar 1998 17:28:30 +0000
From   : Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...>
Subject: Information On AcornSoft

I am putting together a website dedicated to games for the beeb, and I want
to get some information on the software companies, since Superior and
Acornsoft were the two biggest producers of software, i was wondering if
you guys could help me with some questions about it.

1. When did superior buy out acornsoft?

2. Does anyone know approximately how many games acornsoft produced?

3. Which games are there from Acornsoft and Superior that were not included
on any of the Superior Collections, Acornsoft hits, or Play it again Sam's?
I already have a few down like StarTrek Adventure and JCB Digger.

4. I have had a disk for ages now, it is labelled "Superior Demonstration
Disk" and on it is approximately 20 games, all very simple ones, so I guess
it is from the early years.  It contains some old favourites like Battle
Tank, Overdrive, Hunchback, Percy Penguin, but there is a few that I have
never seen anywhere else, they are:

Cosmic Kidnap
Spitfire Command
Space Fighter
Colditz Adventure
Fruit Machine
Alien DropOut
Road Runner

What I would like to know, were these games ever published properly, or are
they just demo games.  Also, I would like to know if this is some kind of
rare disk, I've never seen it anywhere else, perhaps someone with a larger
software collection had it?  It is all nicely presented in a Mode 7 menu,
with the Superior Software logo and everything.

5. I think I have found that the standard Acornsoft Box was a black
'folder' with the instruction on the inside, and a tape in a black plastic
surround.  What I would like to know is, did the larger games, such as
Elite and Revs, come in a different packaging?  I have the original elite,
but it is just the disk and space traders manual, so what is the full
package comprised of?

Thanks, any information would be gratefully received.

Crispin Boylan - viewtronix@...
"See ya, don't wanna be ya. Lunch me. Pond scum." - Michael Stipe, REM, NAIHF.
Don't take offence at this sig, it is a line from one of my fav songs.

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