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Date   : Wed, 28 Jan 1998 14:53:09 +0100
From   : deweger <deweger@...>
Subject: Goin' off-line

Dear Beeb-enthusiasts,

I want to thank all of you for reviving the Beeb-community over
the past years. The large amount of emulators, tools, information
exchanged, and, of course Robert's TBL! pages have well fed the
nostalgic part of my brain and made it very happy. I hope to have
contributed a little with my XFer program and some software and
dox sent to Robert.

The reason for this mail is that I'll be off-line for the next
couple of months. I've been fired by the university where I
worked as a PhD-student. (Deliberately, luckily: I've finished
my PhD-thesis and defended it sucessfully last Thursday. You can
even read my thesis on my home page:
http://wwwtios.cs.utwente.nl/~deweger/index.html .) I currently
work as a freelance consultant, but I'll go to work for a larger
company soon (though I don't know which one yet).

I guess it'll take me about two months to get on-line again
(via my new employer). In that time I'll have to find a job,
re-locate and settle again.

After that, I have enough plans. I want to make a new version
of XFer with a snazzy (Windows) user interface;
XFer should also be able to do file conversion,
rather than transfer only. I also want to start a Web-site
that should carry a selection of Beeb-software, dox, etc.
(It should be a sort of sub-set of TBL! pages. The added value
of my pages should be that all programs have been tested on
a real Beeb and on emulators, that they should auto-start,
that they have proper dox, etc. So it's more about quality
than quantity. But maybe I can co-operate with others in doing
so and have Robert make a new section of TBL! We'll see.) And 
there's a thousand other things to do. I hope my new employer
doesn't expect me to work 80 hours a week, as is quite common
here nowadays in IT companies.

Anyway, thanx a lot everybody. You'll here from me soon.



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