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Date   : Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:56:13 +0000
From   : Mike Tomlinson <jasper@...>
Subject: Re: ADFS error message

In article <004001bd2356$dca4a820$b94c03c3@...>, Mark Usher
<marku@...> writes
>Any ideas what :
>Bad sum on channel 57
>means (realating to HD access) ?

('sum' is checksum)

I remember the message, but not what it means :-(  Does Break/Ctrl Break
clear it?  ISTR it could be corrupt ADFS workspace, caused by programs
assuming DFS is present and relocating themselves into ADFS workspace.
I also STR it being a repeating error - the screen filled with it.

It could be a bad sector?  Try running the Verify routine from within
Superform.  I don't think it can be selected from a menu or anything as
simple as that: I seem to remember having to run Superform to allow it
to pick up the drive parameters and store them in variables (but not
allowing it to carry out the actual format) and then pressing escape and
calling PROCverify(0) or similar from the command line.  

I can't remember if the Verify program from the Acorn ADFS Utilities
disc works with hard discs.  Don't think so.

If you don't have Superform, I can mail it to you.

Sorry to be so vague, but hope this helps some.

Mike Tomlinson
+++  Divide by cucumber error.
     Please reinstall universe and reboot  +++

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