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Date   : Sat, 17 Jan 1998 09:20:45 +0100
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Thankyou and help

So most of you know I am pretty heavily involved with the NET BBC scene and
have been quite active recently ingetting together documentation before it
dissapears from the face of the earth.

I must say thanks to Mike Tomlinson who sent me a whole pile (70 + ) of
roms, 3.5MB of ROM images, and a wad of documentation, esp, photocopies of
game and ROM instructions.
All the ROM's are now at the archive site, and I am now working on some of
the docs that go with them so that the forgetfull ones amongst you can work
out how to use them.

I know some of you have *extensive* BBC collections, including folders with
photocopies of instructions etc etc. At the moment, the ROM's are most
important to me, if any of you have the instruction sheets manuals, can you
help in getting them scanned in ? If you don't have access to a scanner then
if you can send photocopies to me then I'll sort it out (email me first

Also I have seen that sometimes, someone, somewhere had maybe typed in the
text from a manual and then printed it out from a wordprocessor. These files
are even better, as they can be quickly converted. Has anyone got any of
these files ?

Mark Usher
Programmer / Insoft GesmbH
and general BeeB enthusiast :-)

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