Date : Sun, 11 Jan 1998 14:01:22 GMT
From : Chris Thornley <osu036@...>
Subject: High density
There was a hack a while back in a magazine for highdensity with adfs and
a WD controller it involes setting
the jumpers on the circuit board to select 8inch drives. This doubles the
disk controllers clock frequency and
shorten timings. But some filesystem has to be made. Soldisk had a work
version with drive and rom. Does
any body have this rom?
On Sun, 28 Dec 1997 21:54:22 GMT Theo Markettos wrote:
> From: Theo Markettos <theomarkettos@...>
> Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 21:54:22 GMT
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] disk controller info
> To: viewtronix@...
> Cc: bbc-micro@...
> On Sun, 28 Dec 1997 14:08:56 +0000, viewtronix@... said:
> > hii
> >
> > Does anyone have info on the 8271 and 1770 disk controllers? I'm looking
> > for things such as pin outs, and other general data on the controllers.
> For the pinouts of the 8271 and 1770, look on Acorn's FTP site, where they
> have circuit diagrams of the Model B and Master 128, which has 8271 and 1770s
> in them respectively. The site is at, although I think it is
> recommended you access it via http at
> On The BBC Lives site there is a manual of HDFS in PostScript form which,
> on pages 40 and 41, gives details of the 8271 command set. I've got a text
> file giving command details of the 1770 that I picked up from a website
> somewhere, which I could send a copy to anyone who wanted it.
> > Also, on a similar line, would it be possible to use the 37C65 disk
> > controller in the BBC, with modifications, so that high density writing is
> > possible, up to 1.44mb on 3 1/2 inch drives? I know this would require a
> > re-write of the filing system, but could it be done?
> I don't see why one couldn't be hooked up to the 1 MHz bus. I haven't got
> experience of this particular device, but the only potential problems I can
> forsee are a) getting it to run its bus speed slow enough for the 1 MHz bus,
> and b) managing with programmed IO because DMA is not available.
> HD discs could be a problem because you might have difficultly getting the
> data rate required out of a Beeb.
> --
> Theo Markettos
> theo@...
/> Christopher J. Thornley is OSU036@...
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