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Date   : Mon, 29 Dec 1997 20:48:51 +0000
From   : Mike Tomlinson <jasper@...>
Subject: Re: disk controller info

In article <19971228.215422.48@...>, Theo Markettos
<theomarkettos@...> writes

(of the 37c65 disc controller)

>I don't see why one couldn't be hooked up to the 1 MHz bus.  I haven't got
>experience of this particular device, but the only potential problems I can
>forsee are a) getting it to run its bus speed slow enough for the 1 MHz bus,
>and b) managing with programmed IO because DMA is not available.

Why would it have to be connected to the 1Mhz bus?  The 37c65 (also
known as uPD765) is pin compatible with the 8272, the (double density)
replacement for the 8271.  Would it not be possible to plug the 8272
into the 8271 socket and rewrite the software to suit?

One thing that does spring to mind is that most implementations of the
8272/765 I've seen have used a separate data separator IC.

Mike Tomlinson
+++  Divide by cucumber error.
     Please reinstall universe and reboot  +++

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