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Date   : Sun, 21 Dec 1997 18:00:27 +0000
From   : Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...>
Subject: APTL Mysteries

I have an APTL board with 16k SWR which is not battery backed (i definitly
know because the circuitry for it is not there) but I think the RAM has
been damaged because the machine crashes when I load an image into the
bank.  Also, when I take a look at the hex code for all the banks of
ram/rom I see that in the bank f there are still things in the ram, even
from startup - it should be just a bank of 00 of ff shouldn't it? Trying to
clear the ram also crashes the machine.

Anyway, on to the problem - i seem to have suddenly obtained two DNFS chips
in my machine - one is in the sideways ram bank - which is physically
impossible as there are definitly two ram chips in the sockets - and the
DNFS actual chip is in bank 3!!!!! This causes my machine to stop working
because the dnfs is bank f - which is the sideways ram copy is corrupted
due to my ram being broken, because it loads up the first dfs it sees!!!
Even when I turn off the power and then turn it back on later - the ram
bank is still full of the DFS code! The only way I got rid of it was by
removing the ram physically!

What the hell is wrong?

Someone please help!

See ya!
Crispin Boylan
"If there's a bright centre to the universe, we're on the planet that is
furthest from it" - Luke Skywalker

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