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Date   : Sun, 21 Dec 1997 13:50:29 +0000
From   : Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...>
Subject: SCSI Hard Drives


Here is the original post from 1992, from a guy making an SCSI adaptor for
the BBC Micro with ADFS and possibly it would need 1770 control circuitry,
remember this is from 5 years ago, so th address and phone number will
probably be out of date!

Message starts here:
>From yorkr@... Thu May 21 12:13:20 1992
Received: by glenlivet.ohm.york.ac.uk via pbgate1.york.ac.uk
	(Sendmail 5.65c#2#8/YrkGate-230492-01) id AA07169
	; Thu, 21 May 1992 11:14:20 +0100
Received: from t3d.cs.man.ac.uk by p4.cs.man.ac.uk; Thu, 21 May 92 11:13:24
Date: Thu, 21 May 92 11:13:20 BST
Message-Id: <9205211013.AA00411@...>
From: Richard York <yorkr@...>
To: ian@...
Subject: Re: Beeb hard discs and host adaptor cards.
Cc: yorkr@...

the cost is about 35 pounds fully built. This is a guestimate based on
catalogue prices and pcb costs, but should be fairly right.
        This board connects direct to the 1 MHz bus, and the 'other side' of
the board is a SCSI bus, which can, in principal connect to any SCSI device.
So far me and a friend have connected several different scsi devices and all
have worked first time. Basically ANY scsci drive will work 100%, and I can't
see anyone wanted to connect anything else?
        The ADFS fully supports the drives, providing they are formatted,
which is done with several, alternative formatting programs, which are written
in basic and actually do very little except issue the scsi format command,
and then write onto the disc the free space map and root directory.

The mailing list sounds very interesting, particularly if it is old acorns
only since then it isnt swamped by arc owners. I presume when it is fully up
and running you will post on comp.sys.acorn?

Will you put Dave Gilbert (gilbertd@...) on the list as well

	Hope this helps,

: Richard York                   :   E-mail : yorkr@...                :
: 2nd year Computer Engineering  :   Janet  : yorkr@...                :
: Manchester University          :                                     :

As you see, he definitly says they are SCSI and not SASI interfaces, and
that there is only one board needed!


See ya!
Crispin Boylan
"If there's a bright centre to the universe, we're on the planet that is
furthest from it" - Luke Skywalker

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