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Date   : Sun, 26 Oct 1997 10:12:56 GMT
From   : Theo Markettos <bbc-list@...>
Subject: Re: File transfer to Acorn 32-bit or PC

On Sat, 25 Oct 1997 19:36:40 +0100 (BST), jjl101@... said:

> On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, Theo Markettos wrote:
> >On Tue, 21 Oct 1997 09:48:18 +0200, rsc@... said:
> >
> >> jjl101 wrote:
> >> > 
> >> > I am going to be using a BBC (B, I think) as a data logger for an STM
> [...]
> >> Reading BBC disks on a PC is dodgy, you're very lucky if it works.
> >
> >I've got a program to read and write BBC discs on 32 bit Acorns called
> >ArcDFS. [...]I originally got this from the Datafile BBS - let me know if
> >you'd like a copy.
				that should be Datafile PD library
> Yes please.  Is there a reason it's not on HENSA?

I don't know, but it used to be commercial software, so there might be some
licensing condition. 

> >As far as drives go, I've found that the Model B's 8271 FDC is a little
> >unreliable with standard PC HD 3.5" drives - either get a Master or 1770
> >upgrade, which I've found works happily with them [...]
> Are 1770 controllers still available?  Where would I find one?  And how
> would I connect the 3.5" drive to the BBC?

I don't know whether the 1770 chip is still made, but you can't buy upgrades
new any more, so you best bet is to try to find one secondhand (if you're
going, Acorn World might be a good place).

Connecting a 3.5" drive is easy - you just need a 34way straight through IDC
cable.  You can do this by buying a PC 5.25" to 3.5" 'adaptor kit' for about
1.50, which consists of an adaptor from a 34w edge connector to IDC socket,
and a power adaptor from large to small plug, and then use your existing
cables and power supply. Alternatively, if the cable is all you need, you can
use a standard PC floppy cable, by using the two connectors between which
there ISN'T a twist.

Hope this helps,

Theo Markettos

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