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Date   : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 09:33:13 -0700
From   : Angus Duggan <angus@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Micro Disk Drives and PC disk drives

Mike Tomlinson writes:
>In article <33ff6d37.9097611@...>, Andrew de
>Quincey <adq@...> writes
>>The machine has
>>a 8271 installed.. Does anyone know what DFS'es used the 8271? 
>Acorn DFS 0.90, 1.20
>Watford DFS 1.43, 1.44 (note: DFS, not DDFS)

HDFS (see http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~ajcd/beeb/hdfs.html).

>>I was
>>considering trying Watford's DFS v1.4 from the site.... mainly because
>>it has a *FORM command in the ROM....
>1.43 doesn't have the Tube host code, 1.44 does and so some of the error
>messages are much more abrupt (to make room for the extra code.)  If you
>don't have a second processor, I'd recommend 1.43.

HDFS has *format in ROM and the Tube code, is Acorn DFS 1.2 format
compatible, and supports a primitive hierarchical structure. There are some
bits which aren't re-entrant, so you can't *spool the *help from it to disc,
though :-(

It's free, comes with the manual, but since I'm the only person I know who
uses it, there may be bugs lurking away in hidden corners that I didn't use

Harlequin Inc., 301 Ravenswood Ave.,	| http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/ajcd/
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