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Date   : Wed, 13 Aug 1997 22:59:30 +0200
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: [BeebEmul8] bbc diskimages & virtual file system


> > I was thinking in the lines of comments to the disk image (any known
> > media faults, for example), title and publisher of the disk, date of
> > dump, "author" of dump, ...  blahblah like that.  Yes, I'm aware few
> > utilities would make use of such info, but such a format is potentially
> > more informative.
> You could put all that info after the one line needed.

Now that has hit the nail full on.
Looks to me after reading the day of email, is the best way is to have a
single line at the start that is a "little" informative ie 'DFS DS 40T 10S
256B', just to keep us from making that odd mistake that ALWAYS creeps in.
Utilities, emulators etc would then use this line as the information, and
ignore everything after it.
That means that we can write as much or as little as we want to about the
image after the line without any problems.

If an emulator or utility chooses to, it can also display following comment
line(s) if they are available, ie it could be useful to display a comment
line from BeebEm   v7.1+ when you are swapping the disc image from within
the emulator.  ie, it works like the physical disk label that always come
off when you put it in the drive 20 times :-)


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