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Date   : Wed, 28 May 1997 19:02:26 +0100
From   : gjones <gjones@...>
Subject: bbc-micro train set

Re chris Johns and Steve Loft`s enquiries about model railways, I would
suggest they read a book called "Computer Projects for Railway
Modellers" by Roger Amos and Martin Cock, 96 pages, published by Patrick
Stephens, in 1987.  Regretfully it is now out of print but the ISBN
number is 0-85059-796-x, should anyone wish to obtain it through a
library.  It is written primary for the BBC, complete progs for points,
signals etc and for the ZX.  I thought it was vey good.

I was influenced by a Professor Littman of Princetown University who
must have one of the biggest model railways in the world.  His railway
is at the University and is used for students to make mini 6502(?)
computers and devise such things as points, halts, signals etc.

Now in America they thought Hornby`s Zero-One was absolutely marvellous
while we in this country let Hornby nearly go bankrupt for the lack of
support.  The University system is based on the Zero-One that Steve
Lofts is thinking about and the Tutor was kind enough to send me a
volume some two inches thick on the various projects that his students
had devised.

After this outburst of enthisiasm, I have doing nothing more but if
anyone would like this volume on American model railway projects they
can have it for the cost of postage


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