Date : Mon, 12 May 1997 09:41:05 +0100
From : Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
Subject: Re: Archive format / Acornsoft ROMs
Martin Main wrote:
> > To use a ROM image file in your BBC, you need to burn an EPROM with the
> > image, and physically locate the EPROM inside your BBC.
> Surely these images can be loaded in sideways RAM?
Very true. I never used SW RAM myself, so I forgot about that option.
> I was not suggesting that you load up these images on your website,
merely curious as to Acorn's reasoning for this decision.
Acorn's reason is their copyright, which formally is better than most
other possible reasons. Whether individuals choose to honour this right
or not is up to each and every one. The OS ROM is the only one for
which I've heard more of a reason for protecting - apparently some of
the old VDU code/logic in the OS is still of interest in ARM/RISC
My previous reply was more a general reply to the masses of people
e-mailing me for ROM images, and especially for Acorn ROM images.
Robert Schmidt <rsc@... >
Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
Private tel +47 22352293 WWW
The law forbids both rich and poor to beg, steal and sleep under