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Date   : Sun, 04 May 1997 15:42:49 +0100
From   : Mr M F Scholes <m.f.scholes@...>
Subject: BBC Disc Menu

I have a disk menu program on my BBC, it is a !boot file that is *RUN by
*opt 4,2 and contains a basic program with machine code header. It uses
the disc title to have a header eg GAMES and to find out the number of
the disc and type of drives you have, ie the title could be: GAMES
<1213> where 1 is the number of drives, 2 means double sided , 1 is
unused, and 3 means disc 3. The menu data is stored in a BASIC file full
of DATA statements which the program tacks on the end of itself.

The problem comes whien trying to use it on a 6502 @nd processor of a
Master. When shift-break is used the menu hangs, but if the !boot file
is *run by hand it works, has and one any idea why?


Mark Scholes

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