Date : Tue, 08 Apr 1997 15:08:35 GMT
From : "Mark Sandland" <mark.sandland@...>
Subject: BBC to PC connection
I don't presently have a monitor for my good ol' beeb, and I ain't
got no TV set. Working "blind" with the old beast is a bit awkward.
What to do? That be the question...
What I do have is one of them new-fangled PC thingies (have you noticed
that they look
younger and younger these days ?).
Is it possible to connect the BBC to my PC monitor?
Alternatively, I could rig up a serial cable and use the PC as a terminal
with the BBC
as a host. Unfortunately, my User Guide has worn thin with use, and I
don't know the pin-outs on the serial port anymore, and I never cared
to know them on my IBM Userper.
Can anyone advise me on how to connect the two machines?
I reckon I can manage to type in a couple of *FXs to reset the BBCs
input and output streams to the RS432, and I assume Windows Terminal
is good enough for the PC side of things. Or am I mistaken?
Ah, now - "Windows Terminal" - there's a phrase to think about.
Mark Sandland,
IT Technician/Demonstrator,
Room LF5, Milldam Site,
University of Portsmouth.
Telephone extension: 6091
e-mail: mark.sandland@...