Date : Mon, 10 Feb 1997 09:37:16 +0100
From : Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
Subject: [Fwd: Web Page]
I got this question in e-mail. Can anyone help the chap out?
Rob Ward wrote:
> Is is possible to connect a 3.5"floppy drive from an A-310
> to a Master-128 and use Format 'D' disks between the Arc
> series and the BBC master?
> I have done it with 5.25" and an interface on my A420?
> But I would prefer the 3.5 format!
> Would and IBM 3.5 that parrallels with a 5.25 work better?
> Rob Ward
> robward@...
Robert Schmidt <rsc@... >
Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
Private tel +47 22352293 WWW
The law forbids both rich and poor to beg, steal and sleep under
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Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 09:32:13 +1100
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To: rsc@...
From: Rob Ward <mc4rcw@... >
Subject: Web Page
Is is possible to connect a 3.5"floppy drive from an A-310
to a Master-128 and use Format 'D' disks between the Arc
series and the BBC master?
I have done it with 5.25" and an interface on my A420?
But I would prefer the 3.5 format!
Would and IBM 3.5 that parrallels with a 5.25 work better?
Rob Ward