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Date   : Tue, 24 Dec 1996 10:26:48 +0000
From   : deweger <deweger@...>
Subject: Re: [BeebEmul8] Archive format expansion

Tom Seddon wrote:

> I also discovered a bug in Xfer -- it wil lnot transfer files which are
> amultiple of 4,000 bytes in length. I tried to e-mail you, Mark, about
> this, but the mail bounced (I sent it to deweger@...) so
> hopefully it will get to you via this route.

Hi Tom,

deweger@... is my e-mail address, so in normal circumstances
you should be able to mail me at that address. Dunno what was wrong.

What version of XFer do you use? There was a bug like that in version
2. Since then I brought out two bug-fix releases and the current
version is 2.2. If you are using an older version, please try
version 2.2 first to see if that version also has the bug.
If the bug is in 2.2, could you please tell me:
- what DFS your Beeb uses;
- if the transfer goes wrong for every file that has a length
  that is a multiple of 4000 bytes
- what goes wrong? (e.g. do the first 4000 bytes transfer well
  and does the program lock up then? or is the transferred
  program corrupt?)
- what messages do the Beeb's and then PC's screens when things
  go wrong?
- when does the problem occur: with Beeb -> PC file transfer,
  with PC -> Beeb file transfer, of in both cases?

Once you've mailed me, I'll try to fix the bug (if it still
exists in 2.2).


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