Date : Thu, 14 Nov 1996 23:07:48 +0000
From : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: Re: More Z80 co-processor questions
In message <199611131328.NAA22257@...>, Steven Flintham
<sf4000@...> writes
>Given this, if the problem seems to persist, how easy would it be to a)
>obtain a replacement ULA
Mmm. Try ringing round some of your local Acorn dealers.
I seem to remember the "5C" ULA is the Vidproc and the "9C" ULA is the
Tube, so if you try asking for the 9C ULA or its replacement...
>and b) fit it (is it socketed and easily
The old ULA tended to be socketed, the replacement was nearly always
soldered. You will find it near the Tube ribbon cable connector.
Mike Tomlinson
Cat Toy (n): anything not nailed down.