Date : Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:08:17 +0100
From : Theo Markettos <bbc-list@...>
Subject: Re: Re: [BeebEmul8] BASIC and OS ROMs
In message <321AF540.55BC@...> you wrote:
> Simon Christian wrote:
> > Can anyone send details of how I can obtain images of the BBC B BASIC
and OS ROMs.
> > I have a copy of !6502Host on RISCOS 3.1, is it possible to extract
the ROMs from this program?
> In theory yes. Darren Salt wrote a program for this (riproms.c
> available from my pages), but it has been reported not to work
> correctly, i.e. the files it produces are not identical to "real" ROM
> images and they don't work with emulators.
> Otherwise it's just a matter of saving the contents of addresses &8000
> to &BFFF as basic.rom and &C000 to &FFFF as os.rom. My software page
> has a utility to save a given ROM to file.
Try this:
DEF PROCsrom(skt%,k%,f$)
LOCAL cha%,chr%
FOR loop%=&80 TO &80+(k%*4)-1:Y%=skt%:?&F7=loop%
FOR iloop%=0 TO &FF:?&F6=iloop%:
Where skt% is the socket number (0-15), f$ is the filename and k% (I think)
is the size of the ROM in kilobytes.
Theo Markettos (theo@... )