Date : Fri, 02 Aug 1996 16:12:07 +0200
From : Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Suggestion: comp.sys.acorn group for 8-bit micros
steve wrote:
> In any case, there are ways around this little problem. For example, those
> of us who effectively have our own Internet hosts can soon make up the
> difference. There are 3 humans, 2 dogs, a cat and a goldfish who all have
> mailboxes on my PC and they're all very keen to see a Beeb newsgroup. :-)
Interesting idea... :) Apparently, the newsgroup voting and creation
routine doesn't mention any sort of verification of the mail addresses
originating the votes.
Careful about promoting such "ways", though, as they might inadvertedly
undermine an otherwise serious attempt at getting the newsgroup running.
Any views on the name of the newsgroup, its topics and non-topics?
Currently suggested names are
"8bit" has some tradition in the news hierarchy (amstrad, atari). I've
only seen "classic" in would be a bit too restrictive. Although it surely
would catch the eyes of many more former BBC users, and still attract
quite a few Electron & Master users, non-BBC users might feel
discouraged from posting, and it would be hard to support the name with
a good charter.
And I'd like to add the non-topic of "please post ROMs".
Robert Schmidt <rsc@... >
Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
Private tel +47 22352293 WWW
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.