Date : Fri, 02 Aug 1996 13:55:15 +0200
From : Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Suggestion: comp.sys.acorn group for 8-bit micros
Ian Stephenson wrote:
> An excellent iea with only one flaw...
> To get passed, a newsgroup needs 100 more for votes than against votes. It's
> been pointed out that there are a core of people who vote no to everything ON
> PRINCIPLE (they believe there are too many frivolous news groups), so you at
> least 130 people are needed.
I've only heard this as a rumor before, but the fact doesn't really
surprise me, and I guess such a "hard core" is a Good Thing to oppose
and to get rid of the truly silly suggestions.
I guess the outcome will depend on how well the new group is promoted,
and also on how well the BBC is "re-promoted", to rekindle the interest
in old users. I feel quite optimistic about the group when I consider
the number of mails I have received in relation to my BBC pages. The
Internet adds many, many new users every term, and I believe interest in
the mailing lists and the potential newsgroup will increase in the next
few weeks.
Let's at least have some small-talk over the group for the next 1.5-2
months, then see if we feel ready to go for a newgroup announcement.
> I ran this list for about three years, and it generally consisted of around
> forty people. Unless it's picked up a LOT of traffic, then we may be
well short
> of the required votes...
I don't think the list can be considered too representative of the
number of people who would vote yes to the group. Many people consider
mailing lists too intrusive and cumbersome to join, while newsgroups are
usually a click away, both to join and to leave, depending on your
software. There are several mailing lists (gnu-win32, for example) I
really wouldn't mind joining, but I don't because their traffic
discourages me, and I would rather have it available in a newsgroup.
I hope that all the subscribers to this list will make themselves
visible and add their comments - even a simple YES or NO will help
determine the general opinion. Lurkers are especially welcome, as your
votes are just as important as regular contributors'.
Robert Schmidt <rsc@... >
Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
Private tel +47 22352293 WWW
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.