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Date   : Tue, 02 Jul 1996 11:57:14 +0200
From   : deweger@... (Mark de Weger)
Subject: B testers wanted for BBCXFer

Well, it took a bit longer than expected, but finally
my utilities for transferring files between a Beeb and
a PC (running DOS or Windows) are ready.

Why is BBCXFer (that's the name, nice eh?) so great? :)

- The main advantage of BBCXfer is that it *does* consider the file
  attributes (load and exec addresses and locked attribute) of BBC files.
  These file attributes are usually required to get a program to run.
  Utilities like Kermit do not transfer these attributes. Therefore, if
  you transfer a BBC file to a PC and then back to the Beeb, its
  attributes have been lost and you cannot run the program. BBCXfer does
  transfer these attributes (and stores them in additional files,
  according to Wouter Scholten's image format).
- It's got a terminal emulator that allows you operate your Beeb from
  your PC.
- It's fast and reliable (CRC-checking and error reporting).
- It's very easy to use: all operations are carried out on the PC and
  results are shown at the PC side (including most BBC errors, like Disk
- It includes instructions for making a serial cable.

The programs have become rather complex. That's why I would like them
to be beta-tested before I throw them at an innocent audience in the
public domain. I am particularly interested in people who use a non-standard
DFS, because I was only able to test the programs with Acorn DFSs.

So if you're interested in beta-testing the package, please let me know.
I'll then send you a UU-encoded ZIP file with all the programs and text


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