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Date   : Sun, 30 Jun 1996 17:48:55 +0100
From   : "steve" <steve@...>
Subject: My hardware problems

I think I've made some progress (yes, I know I've said that before). 
Using the freezer spray on IC14 appears to fix the problem, so hopefully
when I replace that I'll have one problem less.

Still no progress on the other problem though.  I've checked and double
checked and I can't find any bent/broken/misplaced pins.

Something did occur to me though.  When I was investigating the first
problem, I noticed that one of the LS95 chips (IC11) looked a bit strange
in the area of pins 10 and 15 (on the top of the PCB).  I wiped the sides
of the IC with a cloth wrapped around a small screwdriver, and a small
amount of an unidentified brownish gunk came off.  Those two pins still
look a bit different from the others, sort of brownish rather than grey. 
I can't remember when this happened in relation to the other problem
appearing, but could it be related.  Is it worth trying to replace IC11? 
It's soldered to the PCB - will I be able to remove it using a solder
sucker, and replace it easily?  I'm reasonably competent with a soldering
iron, but I've never attempted anything on a double sided PCB before.

Steve Loft, Doncaster, UK.

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