Date : Mon, 13 May 1996 16:35:04 BST
From : Willble! ere Elk! Elk! Wolverene! <osu036@...>
Subject: correction
slight mistake forgot to show what connected
bbc pc
rts----- ------rts
! !
cts---- ------cts
txd ------------------------------------------ rxd
rxd ------------------------------------------txd
gnd -----------------------------------------gnd
On Mon, 13 May 1996 17:08:18 +0200 Mark de Weger wrote:
> From: Mark de Weger <deweger@...>
> Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 17:08:18 +0200
> Subject: Unidentified subject!
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Hello everybody,
> After this weekend's disaster with trying to connect my Beeb to a PC
> get anything to work; still trying to work out what went wrong), I'm afraid I
> need a little more help. The problem is there's two "schools" of people with
> respect to connecting a Beeb's RS324 to a PC's RS232. My question is simple:
> who is right?
> 1. The "keep it simple" school says just to crosswire Data-In and Data-Out,
> to crosswire CTS and RTS and to connect the Beeb's ground to the PC's
> oV. The wiring would be like this:
> == ==
> 0V <---> Gnd
> Data In (RxD) <---> Data Out (TD)
> Data Out (TxD)<---> Data In (RD)
> CTS <---> RTS
> RTS <---> CTS
> 2. The "it's more complex" school says that the Beeb's RTS and CTS pins have
> slightly different functions from the PC's. Instead, they say that
the PC's
> DTR pin has a similar function to the Beeb's RTS and the PC's DSR
has a similar
> function to the Beeb's CTS. Thus the Beeb's CTS/RTS pins should instead be
> connected as:
> == ==
> DSR <---> RTS
> DTR <---> CTS
> Then there's a number of "extra's" people have given:
> a. The Beeb's RTS pin should also be connected to the PC's DCD pin,
because the PC
> looks on both DSR and DCD for a response.
> b. The PC's RTS and CTS pins should be wired together.
> c. The PC's DCD, DTR and CTS pins should be wired together.
> The motivation for the first "school" is that's simply the way it works
(according to
> e.g. Gudmundur Thorsteinsson).
> The motivation for the second "school" has been formulated by Paul Theobald
as follows:
> > The BBC's usage of the CTS and RTS are (arguably) different from the
RS232 usage, and
> > in fact more closely follow that of DSR/DTR.
> Pete (pnt103@...) elaborates on that and also motivates
"extra's" 2a
> and 2b as follows:
> > The PC probably outputs a handshake on DTR and looks for responses
> > on DCD and DSR. These tell the device connected to the PC that the
PC is active (DTR)
> > and reply to say that the other device is present (DSR) and active
(DCD). Then RTS is
> > the PC's way of saying it wants to send (not just receive) and CTS
is the other
> > device's way of saying "go ahead"."
> As Gudmundur pointed out to me, the "extra" 2c probably comes from wiring
up an
> Archimedes to a Beeb, rather than a PC to a Beeb. (This is confirmed by the
> comp.acorn.misc FAQ; the Archimedes had a broken serial port controller
which made the
> extra wiring necessary.)
> I'm sorry to bother you all again, but apparently things are not as simple
as it first
> appeared. Is there anyone who can tell me who's right? (And if it's school
2, which of
> the extra's a-c do I need.)
> Thanxalot,
> Mark.
/> Christopher J. Thornley is OSU036@...
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