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Date   : Mon, 30 Jan 1995 13:35:09 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Bonfield James <jkb@...>
Subject: Re: Re : ROM Images and Acorn


>Do you have a contact address for anyone at Acorn.  Maybe if we get a
>concerted effort together something will happen.

The address I ended up with was dbell@... I can't check that as the
machine with the relevant file on is down at present. Anyway he wasn't very
helpful. I think his initial comments were that licensing BASIC is possible
(and had been done) but no one had ever used their OS before. That's when he
asked for a complete description of my wishes, and when he didn't reply. As I
recall several others on the list have mailed Acorn with no success too.

>Oh yeh.  People are going to buy a Risc PC to run their old beeb software on.
>Right.  Even if this were so, do Acorn really sell such a small volume
>that this is going to make a difference?  Last I heard, !65Host didn't run
>on the Risc PC, and couldn't deal with many of the old beeb games.

I agree with you there, but it's more a case of people with Archimedes
presumably want a beeb emulator and Acorn don't want someone else writing a
better emulator (which probably isn't that hard so I've heard) :)

Anyway, as far as I remember someone _did_ write a better emulator (Gary
Partis I think) that could play Elite and Revs fine. This was YEARS ago, but
it mysteriously vanished into obscurity and was never heard of again. I heard
about it in the games section of one of the beeb mags (acorn user I think).
Maybe acorn were being uppity; who knows.


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