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Date   : Sun, 29 Jan 1995 17:20:36 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Mark Cooke <ee2015@...>
Subject: Re: ROM images

Hi Phil,

> > > I'd really like to get Dave's X-based Beeb emulator running - would 
> > > anyone be kind enough to UUEncode and email me disk images of the 8271 
> > > DNFS/DFS, BASIC and O/S 1.2 please?
> > 
> > Um.  I only need the 8271 D(N)FS.  Could someone either UU it, or ftp it
> > to blue.bad.bris.ac.uk in /incoming pls.
> Would it maybe a good idea to put all the relevant ROM images here, or 
> could this be construed as illegal?

If everyone could access them yes.  Acorn (still) won't release the roms
into the public domain.   If you have a beeb, there is no problem
apparently.  I really don't see how Acorn expect to make money from the
bbc roms anyway, so I don't know how they justify not releasing them.

Anyone know anyone at Acorn with some muscle?

> > On a side note to Dave - there appears to be a problem compiling under
> > linux.  Which version of gcc did you use?  video.cc throws a fit :-
> This is interesting as I've just ordered the Slackware 2.1 Linux for my PC 
> - will I have this problem as well, or does Slackware have the correct 
> version of the compiler?
Nope.  Slackware 2.1 has gcc 2.5.8  However, I did manage to modify the
code slightly so it does actually compile with 2.5.8  Dave has the mods I
made, so a patch may appear.  If not, you can always mail me.

Note, that it also requires libc.2.6.x and Slackware 2.1 is distributed
with 2.5.26 (I think).  The new libc can be ftp's and put in /lib, and
then you just run ldconfig to use the new library.


| Mark Cooke                 |    Email : ee2015@...                    |
|      Badock Hall Network Representative & Data Safety Officer         |
| bbc-emu-request@...           - Home of the BBC Emulator Mailing list |
|   URL :  http://kestrel.fen.bris.ac.uk/students/ee2015/Welcome.html   |

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