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Date   : Wed, 25 Jan 1995 16:25:56 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Mark Cooke <ee2015@...>
Subject: MBE Stats and BPC update

Hi Chris (and everyone else too),

> ;Well, there have been 149 downloads of the 68K version as of today.  A
> ;fair bit of interest!  I didn't think that there were that many bbc
> ;fanatics about.
> Wow! How come I only a few email messages concerning MBE? Maybe the 
> documentation is very well written (haha)
You actually wrote some information!  I don't know, whatever next.  Maybe
they were so overawed they ran about the house/office screaming until they
were dragged off by the men in white coats. Either that, or they couldn't
figure out how to transfer the rom images across.  Or even got it running,
and then haven't moved since.  As a final possibility, I suppose they
could all be trying to run Windoze on it :-)

> When will a beta version of yours be ready? I think you said Jan. I
> would like to try it.

Well, it still have some fairly major work to do.  I have been busy at
Uni.  I still have a presentation to give on Friday, that counts at 10% of
my coursework for my final year.  However, I'm still progressing steadily,
even if it's not going quite as quickly as I hoped.  I have still to
provide a sensible way of running files.

What I may do is release a couple of 'list only' build, one which runs
basic, and one which runs a game (don't know which yet - but possibly
starship command).  I also have to do some slightly better form of mode 7
emulation.  Currently it ignores all characters outside the range 32-127,
and only prints in mono, single height.  This is not a high priority though.

I'll let the everyone know when I release some code.

BTW Dave is also having problems with Elite not erasing the stars
correctly.  Maybe you two should get together on this one - if you haven't

All the best,


| Mark Cooke                 |    Email : ee2015@...                    |
| bbc-emu-request@...           - Home of the BBC Emulator Mailing list |
|   URL :  http://kestrel.fen.bris.ac.uk/students/ee2015/Welcome.html   |

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