Date : Thu, 15 Dec 1994 18:08:08 GMT
From : Mark Cooke <ee2015@...>
Subject: (fwd) BBC Emulator Web Pages
Xref: bsmail comp.emulators.misc:1881
Newsgroups: comp.emulators.misc
Path: bsmail!kestrel!ee2015
From: ee2015@... (Mark Cooke)
Subject: BBC Emulator Web Pages
Message-ID: <D0v61q.4xw@...>
Sender: usenet@... (Usenet news owner)
Organization: University of Bristol, England
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 18:01:02 GMT
Hi everyone,
I posted this to comp.emulators.misc and thought you all deserved to see
it (again) :-)
Calling all Beebophiles,
This is a general announcement to everyone interested in BBC
microcomputers and emulators. There is a small set of web pages at
The pages contains lists of work in progress, document erratas, and
various other bit and pieces about the BBC range of computers. These
pages are new, and are growing rapidly.
If you have an interest in the BBC, and have some HTML/Text info you would
like to share, either mail it to me at ee2015@... or upload it
via anonymous ftp to /incoming at
There is a mailing list setup for discussion of the technical issues of
emulating the BBC. You can mail bbc-emu-request@... for more
nformation, or to join. (It basically appears in my account, so you can
mail me aswell).
Hope you find the above useful.
| Mark Cooke | Email : ee2015@... |
| bbc-emu-request@... - Home of the BBC Emulator Mailing list |
| URL : |