Date : Tue, 01 Nov 1994 12:29:43 +0000 (GMT)
From : clr1@...
Subject: Hello all!
> Hello All.
Hello Mark! ;-)
> This is just to let you all know that the bbc list is up and running at
> bbc-emu@... If you have any problems mail me at
> bbc-emu-request@... or personally at
> This list is the new home for Chris' list.
Because the old home didn't have a clue what they were doing. :-(
On a more serious note, thanks for taking over the list. Also, I just
want to let everyone know that I haven't given up with the whole BBC
thing, I'm still quite happy to keep a list archive and I will still
maintain the list of emulators currently under progress.
Good luck all!
| /-- |_| /-- | (~ | "I'm in two minds, and both of them |
| \-- | | | | _) | are out of it at the bar" |
+-------------------+--- Marillion - Clutching at Straws -+