Date : Wed, 05 Oct 1994 15:35:27 +0100 (BST)
From : Mark Cooke <ee2015@...>
Subject: Re: Quiet List
Is the mailing list still alive? My account here was unavailable for a
while a couple of days ago, and I've not received a message since...
On the subject of BBC's, have you licked you keyboard handler yet? There
are a lot of useful samples at in
mounts/epix/ibmpc/msdos/demos/ (or something similar). Sources for demo
graphics/keyboard/sound etc.
My emulator is still lacking any (decent) file I/O - I'm in the process of
adapting a rom filing system written on the Master is about '86 to do
breaks to my emulator for disk access.
Mark Cooke EMail : ee2015@...
Electronic Engineering Snail : Room 2 Library Block
Badock Hall Net-Rep & Badock Hall
Data Safety Officer Stoke Park Road