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Date   : Tue, 13 Sep 1994 12:11:14 +0000
From   : lamcw <lamcw@...>
Subject: ROMs and so forth

Mark Cooke wrote:

;Has anything else been heard from Acorn re the BBC roms?  It seems a bit
;paranoid of them to be concerned about releasing the roms for a dead
;machine - even if they plan to support it on their new machines.  Do Acorn
;seriously expect people to buy hardware now just because it's compatible
;with a machine that's well over 10 years old?  And even if a FEW people
;are swayed by this - do the few make that great a difference to the bottom
;line?  Maybe Acorn is in a financial hole - and sees us as a money
;spinning idea.  Hey, they should pay us for promoting awareness of Acorn's
;machines <grin>.

people with real beebs need not worry as transferring the roms over is a
straightforward job. those who don't have a beeb should just borrow one.
if acorn are going to be stubborn about releasing the roms, fair enough.
if i remember correctly, acorn want to know what in it for them. well,
bugger all really.


on a more technical note, a 6502 emulator should strictly check all
absolute addresses to see if they fall on paged I/O. in Frak! i've seen

  BIT &FE68
  BIT &70

i.e. the BIT &FE68 serves purely to access &FE68 and so reset the T2 
interrupt flag in the user VIA.

at the moment, i'm only checking absolute addressing modes. i hope this
is adequate!

chris lam.

chris lam.

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