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Date   : Fri, 02 Sep 1994 14:49:00 BST
From   : tim@... (Tim Morley)

D.LODGE@... writes ("Re: UNDEFINED 6502 OPCODES"):
> >umm, you could be right. when trying to run zalaga on my beeb emulator, it
> >bombs out with an invalid opcode - &EC i believe. i'm not saying my emulator
> >is without fault (heaven forbid) but it IS suspicious because other games
> >are running flawlessly.
> The reason is that on Zalaga, Orlando (the programmer) decided to trap the
> unknown instruction (? - I've been programming ARM for too long :) vector and
> use it to redefine some opcodes which I believe are on the 65c02 - if the
> emulator can't emulate this vector trapping then Zalaga won't run...

Well a 6502 isn't quite that clever, Unfortunatley I think we are
going to have to some detective work to find out what the
'undocumented' instructions do. I seem to remember that there are
things in there that do actually something other then just a NOP. I
beleiev that there are patterns in the way that the instructions are
layed out, and some of the undocumented instructions are the correct
things for the place in the patern!


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