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Date   : Fri, 02 Sep 1994 12:36:32 +0100
From   : D.LODGE@...
Subject: Reply to: Re: 6502/65c02 op-codes

>There's a document floating around regarding the hidden opcodes on the
>commodore 64 6510 processor. It claims that many of these are also 6502

Anybody got this file that they could chuck to me?

>Did you mean 65SC02? Or did you mean the 65SC02?

huh? Can't I read or summat?

>I've now got (thanks Stephen Y.) the Rockwell CMOS data sheets for the 65C02,
>the 65C102 and the 65C112 chips.

If you're offering I'd love these :)

>It'd be interesting to know of your source for the 65C02 opcodes.

I can't remember - I had them on a list on a scrap of paper which I wrote down
from somewhere :)

>If anyone is interesting in a 6502 disassembler then I've got the guts of one
>in my own emulator. I have a function that takes start and end parameters, and
>it disassembles all the data inbetween. It's not super intelligent to spot
>data and 'frame shifts', but it does work adequately. The bonus though is that
>it's free.

The problem with disassembles for 6502 is checking frame shifts and data - ATM
mine assumes any byte that doesn't match to an opcode is an EQUB'd byte - it
doesn't bother checking for strings... The problem is if you start disassembling
in the middle of an instruction - this throws off the mnemonics for 3 or 4
instructions - buggering up them searches. Anybody got a nice algorithm, or way
of working out whether you is in an instruction when you start the disassembly


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