Date : Fri, 02 Sep 1994 11:30:51 +0100
From : D.LODGE@...
Subject: 6502/65c02 op-codes
(btw this is also a test :)
I have a list of the 6502 op-codes as well as the 65c02 codes - which I'd be
happy to email t'group if anybody wants.
WHat I want t'know is is there anybody with a list of any 'hidden' op-codes or
who know the opcodes for 65SC02/anyother deriveratives...
I have got a 6502 disassembler which I wrote (with a friend) - I hacked up the
basic disassembler in 1 hour (that time was due to making the look-up table :)
Me friend just improved code and made a few changes to the bugs :) I would post
up the source, but for 2 things:
* Its part of a commercial product... :)
* I don't own all of the copyright so I have t'get permission for it
from the
person I wrote it with
* Its in ARM code :)
Dave Lodge, D.Lodge@...
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this message do not represent the
of my company, in fact they do not represent my opinions; they are, in
fact, the
opinions of Malcom the Ant, my Lord and Master...
*argh* The ants are taking over the world. Gibber.