Date : Wed, 31 Aug 1994 11:25:04 +0000
From : lamcw <lamcw@...>
hello again,
lamcw (me) wrote:
;the files copied over okay. well, arcadians may run without any hitches
;but i reckon i just got lucky. i tried WHITE KNIGHT chess program but it
;crashes during its move computation...
sussed it out last night. i was not allowing for 'wraparound' in my addressing
modes. i.e.
must put the byte in to zero page location &01. Similarly
wraparound needs to be considered for all the indexed addressing modes.once i'd
done this, WHITE KNIGHT worked fine. the REVS screen is now not-such-a-mess!
David Alan Gilbert <gilbertd@...> wrote:
;> REVS (ha ha) ... wow the screen is a MESS!
;Well it will do won't it - its got to do scrolling - have you allowed
changes to
;screen start address?
yes i have. this whole business about changing modes half way down the screen
should not present too much of a problem. it's a case of 'plot as you execute'.
everytime you execute an opcode, process a pixel(s) - just like a real beeb.
when you've reached the 'last' pixel, send the whole picture to the screen.
i also don't believe very precise timing of instructions is required. but it
helps to be reasonably accurate of course.
chris lam.