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Date   : Tue, 30 Aug 1994 16:01:42 BST
From   : lamcw <lamcw@...>
Subject: NOTHING ELSE WORKS...!!!!

hi everyone,

finally got my beeb wired to my mac and i've now got some new software
to try out on my emulator. the only snag is that none of it works!!!

the files copied over okay. well, arcadians may run without any hitches
but i reckon i just got lucky. i tried WHITE KNIGHT chess program but it
crashes during its move computation... CHUCKIE EGG seems okay but because
of the way i haven't allowed for the simultaneous depression of 2 keys, i 
can't jump to the left or right, which is quite a disadvantage. ZALAGA just
bombs out with an invalid opcode.

SNAPPER and PLANETOIDS need BCD. REVS (ha ha) ... wow the screen is a MESS!
WORDWISE PLUS seems to work but only after i forbade my emulator to write
to hi memory (0x8000 to 0xffff) unless poking SHEILA (excuse me...). a lot
of ROMs attempt to corrupt themselves because of the popularity of sideways
RAM. and before you ask... no, i didn't try ELITE!!!

so i've seem to have hit the 99% syndrome ( or more precisely probably about
80% in my case). it works sometimes. what a drag. the error is more than likely
subtle or i've completely misunderstood something.

i've also got all graphics MODES working but i'm not strictly emulating the
CRTC. still, this shouldn't crash the machine.

chris lam,
aston univ.

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