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Date   : Tue, 30 Aug 1994 12:09:22 +0100
From   : jfid@... (James Fidell)
Subject: Re: ROM copyright stuff.

> I have been attempting to gain clarification on this issue for you.
> There is a possibility that this request may be granted providing it
> meets certain criteria.

Which seems a fair enough way to start.

> It has been suggested that you produce a proposal illustrating the
> target platforms, operating system(s) and users. In addition it will
> be necessary to illustrate clearly how such an emulator will benefit
> Acorn.

However, this could get a little more difficult.  Potentially we have
an unlimited number of target platforms because at least some of us
intend to make source code freely distributable.

I'm also slightly surprised that Acorn feel it needs to be of benefit
to them.  Since they no longer produce a Beeb emulator themselves, I'd
be surprise if releasing the ROMs could do them any harm; neither should
it take much effort to make this decision.  Where's the problem ?

> Once you have produced this proposal send it to Customer.Services
> marked for the attention of David Bell. It will then be considered and
> if it is felt to be of benefit an appropriate licencing agreement will
> be drawn up.

Now this seems to be getting a bit commercial -- if I wanted to sell
an emulator and include the ROMs, then I'd consider this reasonable.
Since I intend to make everything freely available, it seems a little


 "Yield to temptation --             |
  it may not pass your way again"    |     jfid@...        
        - Lazarus Long               |              James Fidell

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