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Date   : Tue, 23 Aug 1994 21:22:49 +0100 (BST)
From   : clr1@...

Zipideedoda... mine works! It actually goes into BASIC w/prompt, etc! I 
can write BASIC proggies! Good, eh? There are *ahem* a few bugs, which 
I'll get to in a minute.

There was a problem with my SBC routine which messed things up a bit 
and... *ahem* I didn't trap WRCHV. I only trapped OSWRCH! That fixed the 
problem pretty quick, and - hey presto! BASIC booted.

Anyway, here are the problem I've got.

1. Errors seem to work okay (except ESCape, of course) and except the 
"Silly" one, I know not why. However, there is a spurious character 
before each error message. I'm not exactly sure why.

2. (This one is *wierd*) When I type "List" a few times my emulator halts 
with a duff instruction opcode!

3. I can type in the 256^3 loop program but it won't run - emulator hangs 
completely. Very odd. Anyway, I was wondering - I used INA in my 256^3 
loop but this doesn't compile on a 6502 standard BASIC. What can I do 

Ta for all the help everyone; at least I've finally got the thing to boot!

| /-- |_| /-- | (~  | "And the driving is like the driving of Jehu,   |
| \-- | | |   | _)  | the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously."    |
+-------------------+-------------------- Second Book of Kings 9 v20 -+

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