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Date   : Tue, 23 Aug 1994 15:08:59 +0100 (BST)
From   : Mark Cooke <ee2015@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Mailing List

> > I was asking around for a BBC emulator, and was told that you run a
> > mailing list for BBC info etc.  As there does not appear to be a Beeb
> > emulator around yet I thought I'd dust off the keyboard of my PC and get
> > cracking.
> You are in luck! The list I'm running is a pretty technical one for 
> people developing emulators. There are (as far as I can recall) five 
> under development by people on the list - a PC assembler one (mine), 
> another PC assembler one, a Mac one and two Unix ones.
> What are you thinking of writing it in? I wonder if we could join in - 
> mine is so far 100% assembler and I ahve a functional 6502 but no I/O.

Well, I also have a fully functional 6502 assembly kernel, with a little
bit of I/O (system via timers & some fairly iffy keyboard support.)  It's
all written in assembler (Microsoft 5.1b - the best *$%* assembler
ever <G>).

I'm currently working on the screen code.  I'm probably going to use a
varient of Mode-X (320x200 256 colours), setup for 320x256.  Using a 256
colour mode makes pixel updates easy, and the palette should make flashing
colours straightforward.  Another advantage of Mode-X is that you can
hardware scroll.

> Just mail me back if you want to join the list but it sounds just up your 
> street.
I think you're right.  Is any of the old mail available/archived somewhere?



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