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Date   : Tue, 23 Aug 1994 10:52:56 +0000
From   : lamcw <lamcw@...>
Subject: re: Mine did something! Eeek!

"Chris L. Rae" <clr1@...> wrote:

;It boots up without a cursor. It comes up with "BBC Computer 16K" (btw I 
;got it to say 32K by filling FD00-FF00 with &80!), then "BASIC", then two 

looking good...

;It them calls OSRDCH! When you type a command line, it *appears* to 
;do something, judging by the number of LFs. When I type eg. "10asdas" it 
;just does one (as a normal beeb would). When I type "PRINT "hello"" it 
;does 2 (as normal) and when I type crap it calls BRK and does two. This 
;is a bit odd.

LFs aside, it sounds like it starting to work okay. each line you type in
will appear twice since the beeb will echo the input. try

FOR I%=1TO50000:NEXTI%

and timing it. it will interesting to see how fast your assembler version

when you type in crap does it give you the 'Mistake' error message? if so,
your BRK implementation is fine. also try AUTO100,0  - it should give you
the quaint error message 'Silly'!

chris lam,
aston univ.

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