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Date   : Tue, 23 Aug 1994 01:57:59 +0100 (BST)
From   : clr1@...
Subject: Mine did something! Eeek!

I've got a bit further this time! At last... some progress! I now have my 
emulator working after a fashion. It accepts keystrokes and appears to 
understand them; *HELP comes up with "OS 1.2", which I presume is right. 
However, there is a bit of a problem.

It boots up without a cursor. It comes up with "BBC Computer 16K" (btw I 
got it to say 32K by filling FD00-FF00 with &80!), then "BASIC", then two 
LFs. It them calls OSRDCH! When you type a command line, it *appears* to 
do something, judging by the number of LFs. When I type eg. "10asdas" it 
just does one (as a normal beeb would). When I type "PRINT "hello"" it 
does 2 (as normal) and when I type crap it calls BRK and does two. This 
is a bit odd.

I presume it is something to do with BASIC's handling of screen output; 
has anyone else come across this?

This is *great* from my point of view because it means my emulator is now 
pretty close to working, I would reckon. Phew! I think that should be the 
hardest bit to debug over with, almost!

My code is *nearly* 100Kb now - 99.3! It's the longest program I've 
written by about 5 times!

| /-- |_| /-- | (~  | "And the driving is like the driving of Jehu,   |
| \-- | | |   | _)  | the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously."    |
+-------------------+-------------------- Second Book of Kings 9 v20 -+

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