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Date   : Mon, 15 Aug 1994 10:48:00 EST
From   : Stephen Quan <quan@...>
Subject: Re: Flags and BIT

Hi Chris, there are very significant differences between 80x86 and
the 6502.  I have encountered many of these, but will try to summarize!

> 1. Are the flags set on the result of *every* operation? Even things like 
> LDA? And what about, for example, PHA? Just wondering. I've been setting 
> them on most instructions, just to be on the safe side.

The flag behaviour is described in the AUG.  I think you can treat the
AUG as the 6502 bible in this respect [unless anyone knows anything
wrong here?]

  LDA - will update N flag and Z flag.
  PHA - will change no flags

> 2. Is the 6502 BIT instruction directly equivalent to the 80x86 TEST?

  The short answer is no!

Ok now what I have noted between 6502 vs 80x86 (I continue at 3.) :

3. CMP instruction.
   After a 6502 the C is set if A >= M
   On a 80x86 the CF is cleared if A >= M

4. SBC
   On a 6502 the C is cleared to indicate borrow
   On a 80x86 the CF is set if we want borrow (nasty!)

5. LDA
   On a 6502 changing your registers A,X,Y the NZ changes
   On a 80x86 the MOV instruction does not update flags, you need to
   run test immediately afterwards.

6. ROL and ROR
   On a 6502 ROL and ROR are 9 bit rotates using the C as the 9th bit.
   On a 80x86 ROL and ROR are 8 bit rotates.
   On a 80x86 RCL and RCR are 9 bit rotates but don't set ZF.

7. BIT
   I don't think there is an equivalent to this instruction.  It is
   just like the manual says.  Let's say M represents the data then :

     Z = set if (A&M) = 0, cleared otherwise
     V = bit 6 of M
     N = bit 7 of M

   other flags aren't affected.

8. LSR and ASL
   On a 6502 ASL multiplies by 2, very similar to SHL.
   On a 6502 LSR divides by 2 (unsigned),
     SHR on a 80x86 divides by 2 but is signed (double check manual...).

ROMs should be emulated to a degree.  You can start of by trapping
writes to 8000-FFFF.  Later you have to consider special cases such
as sideways RAM, on shiela pokes.  The first key one is getting
FE30 writes working.
Stephen (quan@...                 )

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