Date : Thu, 11 Aug 1994 17:51:33 EST
From : Stephen Quan <quan@...>
Subject: adc and sbc (again).
Hi James, I just had a look at your emulator and I think it is a
very well laid out C program! I think your use of C macros and
variable function calls is really good!
A while ago we talked about ADC and you posted a portion of the
code on the net and ask if there were ways of shortening the
logic. I have another set of ideas you might be interested in :
The following two macros are used for updating P in normal addition
and subtraction.
#define ADC(cycles,amode) \
pre##amode; \
M=amode; \
A2=A+M+(P&P_C); \
A=A2; \
post##amode; \
IncClock(cycles); \
there are a few parts to this :
P_NZ[A2] - that's just the lookup table for N and Z values.
(A2<A) ? P_C : 0 - we have a carry if somehow A2 ended smaller than A
(A2^M) & A2^A) & 0x80 - this is my test for overflow, it is based on
-ve + -ve = +ve (overflow)
+ve + +ve = -ve (overflow)
(other combinations are not an overflow case).
#define SBC(cycles,amode) \
pre##amode; \
M=amode; \
A2=A+(~M)+(P&P_C); \
A=A2; \
post##amode; \
IncClock(cycles); \
similar logic for SBC :
P_NZ[A2] - using looking table for N and Z values
A<M ? 0 : P_C - this is the borrow condition
(A^M) & (A^A2) & 0x80 - this is my test for overflow for SBC based on
-ve - +ve = +ve (overflow)
+ve - -ve = -ve (overflow)
(other combinations are not an overflow case).
Stephen Quan