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Date   : Wed, 10 Aug 1994 10:54:04 GMT
From   : Phineas@... (P.R.John)
Subject: Re: BBC-PC transfers/emulators

In message <Pine.3.87.9408092229.B4459-0100000@...> Chris 'Maths Lover'
Rae writes:
> (Re. BeebDOS)
> > Sounds interesting. Is it available anywhere?
> Well, I pinched it from the PCs at my school. I am pretty sure it's 
> commercial software so it might be tricky to get a hold of.

Unless you accidentally mailed me a copy.

> > I'm hunting around for BASIC converters. I know they exist for eg GW and
> > BASICA->QuickBASIC on the PC, but Beeb BASIC I'm not sure about.
> I have a program (written by a friend of mine) which converts real BBC 
> BASIC programs to work in the format used by BBCBASIC, a PC 
> implementation of BBC BASIC written by Richard Russell (who is on the 
> mailing list). BBCBASIC was commercial software too; I don't actually 
> know if it's still available. Check with Richard.

I have a copy dated 1985; at present, I'm still trying to get the stuff
across using Kermit at the PC end. I've found it's a tad more complicated
than I thought. I haven't got as far as trying to run it with the BBC BASIC
emulator, as it all needs to be reassembled (not as in assembler - there are
a fair number of files involved, and I have to preserve the non-ASCII). 
Whether it will ever run again I've no idea, but your friends program sounds
interesting. I hadn't realised the code needed any special treatment.

Somebody on one of my local groups has mentioned a 1989 BBC BASIC emulator
by Jon Welch - have you heard of this one? How would I contact Richard 


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