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Date   : Sat, 30 Jul 1994 20:19:55 +0100 (BST)
From   : clr1@...
Subject: I'm back! Did you miss me? ;-)

I'm going to reply to this message becasue there's a whole load of bits 
to include but I haven't actually read the ones after this yet so excuse 
me if I say something that's been covered. BTW, thanks to Stephen Quan 
for the opcode table; I'm going to go over my 6502 and check them all soon.

> I am afraid, it means taking over control and leaving practically nothing
> in C.  This is Chris Rae's method of using the Pascal Compiler.  Under,
> Turbo Pascal, I suspect he did something like
>     Program MyEmulator;
>     Begin
>       ASM
>          /* all ASM stuff goes in here. */
>       END;
>     End.

Exactly right for those of you who are interested; except I think the 
procedure's called Emulate6502...

> So I have decided that :
>   SI = beeb PC
>   AX = opcode (actually AH=0, AL=opcode)
>   BH = beeb A
>   BL = beeb X
>   CH = beeb Y
>   CL = beeb S
>   DX = unused.

The system I have used (and it's working pretty well) is at the moment:

 AL = used for arithmetic
 AH = carry and zero flags (from PC flags)
 BL = next instruction opcode
 BH = unused (needs to be zero for opcode lookup table)
 CL = A
 CH = X
 DL = BBC flags
 DH = Y
 DS = BBC memory segment
 SI = PC
 ES = unused
 DI = BBC stack pointer

These are tried and tested (I've changed them about a few times and this 
is the best set) and my 6502 is nearly working.
> > If I could use assembly in the macros of my code it would enable, amongst
> > other things, the use of using the 386 status register as discussed
in earlier
> > threads.

Is that my thread? I am using the PC status register; not the 386 one - 
works on 8086 mode too. I'm not being pedantic; I'm just wondering if 
you've got the wrong end of my stick. 

| /-- |_| /-- | (~  | "And the driving is like the driving of Jehu,   |
| \-- | | |   | _)  | the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously."    |
+-------------------+-------------------- Second Book of Kings 9 v20 -+

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