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Date   : Wed, 27 Jul 1994 18:32:06 EST
From   : Stephen Quan <quan@...>
Subject: Re: JB's macros! [ooops!]

>     getmouse(int *b,int *x,int *y)
>     {
>       unsigned local_b,local_x,local_y
>       _asm mov ax,0003h
>       _asm int 33h
>       _asm mov local_b,bx
>       _asm mov local_x,cx
>       _asm mov local_y,dx
>     }

Ooops, I boobed on that one.  it should have been;

      getmouse(int *b,int *x,int *y)
        unsigned local_b,local_x,local_y;
        _asm mov ax,0003h
        _asm int 33h
        _asm mov local_b,bx
        _asm mov local_x,cx
        _asm mov local_y,dx

        *b = local_b;
        *x = local_x;
        *y = local_y;

For those using their PCs as UNIX machines, I suspect the mouse
routines might not work as they depend on DOS interrupt 33h.  The
DOS interrupt 33h is enabled when a DOS Microsoft Mouse driver
(or similar) has been loaded before your application.
Stephen Q

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